The MSCIO website is currently undergoing significant upgrade and improvements

Terms of Service

  1. Introduction.
    The following online “Terms of Service”, complies with the principles of processing of personal data in the Union institutions, bodies and agencies. This policy is stablished by Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018. According with this EU regulation, the Maritime Security Centre Indian Ocean collects and utilises personal information data through which is owned and operated by EU NAVFOR (EUNF), belonging to European Union.
  2. User Agreement.
    The User accepts that is confidential and shall not allow access to any third party. The User shall not divulge the contents of or any part thereof in any form, to any third party except as required by ordinary usage of the information available in the ordinary course of the User's business. The User may not sell, trade or publish in hard copy or electronic format (other than own uses and purposes), including on the User's internet site, information obtained from different areas of website.
  3. Personal Information.
    As well as details of pages visited, information is collected related to visitor connectivity, including internet protocol addresses. This information is used for statistical analysis to determine how is utilised and in order to assist in improving the website.
    Additionally, when requesting access for the site, full contact details including your name, company name, telephone number, fax number, email and postal address and possibly others, will be requested. This information will be used to complete your registration and will be held electronically in a database. The use of log files enables the compilation of aggregate statistical information, which is used to improve services and to supply EUNF with detailed usage information. All details will be treated in the strictest confidence and used on the scope of maritime security information and alerts reporting. For more details about data protection, please go to data protection policy.
  4. Data Security.
    We take every precaution to ensure that the information supplied is treated in the strictest confidence. The web browser will display when a page is secure, usually by displaying a key or padlock symbol in the display. Additionally, you can check the address bar to see that a secure site is.
  5. Cookies.
    A cookie is a small text file that is written to your hard drive when you visit a website and contains information that enables a server to identify your visit to a website. The MSCIO web site, as with most websites, uses cookies to assist in providing advanced features. We do not store identifiable information in cookies and do not use cookies for the purpose of tracking users.
  6. Access to Data.
    You have the right to obtain details of personal information held concerning you from our databases. You should contact us via email in the first instance, stating your name, company name and address, and providing details of the services to which you subscribe.
  7. Hyperlinks.
    The MSCIO has links to external websites in order to provide a better service to users. Their inclusion cannot be taken to imply any endorsement or validation of their content by MSCIO.
  8. Contact Information.
    If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy or would like any further information please utilize the Contact Us link in the main menu.