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IRTC Details

The IRTC consists of separate eastbound and westbound transit lanes. Each lane is 5 nm wide and is separated by a 2 nm buffer zone. The eastbound lane is orientated along a straight line course of 072°. The westbound lane is orientated along a course of 252°. The IRTC is not marked or defined by visual navigational means, nor is it intended to be a dedicated traffic separation scheme; but in order for warship patrols to be effective, vessels transiting the GOA are strongly recommended to adhere to these guidelines.

Use of the Group Transit Scheme is recommended. Masters should note that warships might not be within visual range of the ships in the Group Transit Scheme, but this does not lessen the protection afforded by the scheme.

Point A for Eastbound transits is located at 11°50'N / 045°00'E.

Point B for Westbound transits is located at 14°28'N / 053°00'E.

The IRTC coordinates are:

Westbound transit lane:

  1. 12-00N 045-00E
  2. 14-30N 053-00E
  3. 14-25N 053-00E
  4. 11-55N 045-00E

Eastbound transit lane:

  1. 11-53N 045-00E
  2. 14-23N 053-00E
  3. 14-18N 053-00E
  4. 11-48N 045-00E

Maritime Security Transit Corridor including internationally recomended transit corridor IRTC

See document